MaintenX operates nationwide and has helped businesses through many kinds of natural disasters. We are confident that our technicians are up to the task of helping you and your company repair, rebuild, and get back to business. We train and dispatch our own technicians, which means that you work directly with the technician executing repairs and maintenance on your facility. We know the importance of safety, especially in the aftermath of a natural disaster, and we operate with the safety of all staff and individuals as a top priority.
Heavy storm winds can cause damages to the exterior of your building. MaintenX can provide repair services to internal or external facility damage. We are also capable of repairing equipment and flooring in the wake of flood or fire damages. The disaster recovery you need will depend on the kind of damages you experience. Thankfully, MaintenX technicians have the skills and determination to complete any maintenance repairs and reconstructions necessary.
If you and your business have recently been affected by a natural disaster, we are here to help. But don’t wait for the worst to happen; MaintenX can assist you in developing a plan to reduce your chance of damage, should nature strike. For more specifics on the services we offer, please contact us today.