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LED Lighting Upgrade Projects
LED lighting upgrades have become a prevalent topic among busy facility managers and company owners looking to reduce operating and maintenance costs. Besides the reduced month-after-month energy usage, LED light bulbs can last up to 100,00 hours, further reducing maintenance costs. The LED Story Many assume that LED lights are a relatively new product, but … Continue reading "LED Lighting Upgrade Projects"
Commercial Ice Machine Maintenance and Cleaning Requirements
Did you know that your commercial ice machine could quickly become a public health hazard without regular maintenance, cleaning, and sanitizing? It’s true! Any part of the machine contacting the water supply can develop. Mineral deposits Scale buildup Slime (usually pink or brown) Mold Without regular cleaning and sanitizing, your hotel, bar, or restaurant could … Continue reading "Commercial Ice Machine Maintenance and Cleaning Requirements "
Commercial HVAC and Refrigeration Services
The MaintenX HVAC (Heating, Venting, Air Conditioning) and Refrigeration Division has the expertise to handle all your commercial HVAC needs. As a respected member of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) you can expect prompt, professional service day or night. The HVAC experts … Continue reading "Commercial HVAC and Refrigeration Services "
The Anatomy of a Commercial Air Conditioning System
As the temperatures begin to rise in the spring and peak over the summer months, so do the number of news stories regarding heat stroke (AKA sunstroke and heatstroke), where an individual’s internal temperature can reach 104°F or higher within 15 minutes of exposure or excessive exertion. As a result, a working air conditioner quickly … Continue reading "The Anatomy of a Commercial Air Conditioning System "

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