Contact Info:
Phone Number: 855-751-0075
Address: MaintenX International, 2202 N. Howard Ave., Tampa, FL 33607
Facility Maintenance Experts
When businesses in the Melbourne area are in need of maintenance, their owners know who to call. MaintenX provides the best facility maintenance experts around. We provide expertly trained and high-skilled technicians to handle the many needs required in a field as all-encompassing as facility management. We both self-perform and self-manage facility maintenance for our clients. Rather than having to deal with multiple different vendors for each aspect of your company’s upkeep, we streamline the process through our account management philosophy. Our laser focused approach to work-order management keeps our technicians working efficiently and keeps our customers satisfied. In addition, our clients receive a level of comfort knowing that just one call to MaintenX will solve any of their facility maintenance problems.
Disaster Response
Natural disasters, particularly those caused by hurricanes and heavy rains in Florida, can create situations where emergency maintenance is especially necessary. MaintenX disaster response experts are equipped to take care of crisis conditions, guaranteeing that MaintenX can quickly and adequately serve your company in its time of need. Disasters can pop up at any time, and when a natural or man-made crisis strikes, you need the right experts to get you back on track. Our disaster response specialists will repair water damage from flooding, restore areas damaged by fire and assist with storm demolition clean-up endeavors. MaintenX has spent decades helping businesses recover from all kinds of emergencies and disasters.
Why Choose Us?
With MaintenX, complete facility management for your business is easy. We provide expertly trained and high-skilled technicians to handle the many needs required. MaintenX’s laser-focus on providing the best quality maintenance work keeps our Melbourne customers returning time and time again for their maintenance needs. Not only does MaintenX perform reliable maintenance and repair work, they also exhibit a culture of safety. Safety is the highest priority when working on all of the tasks required for proper facility maintenance. Each MaintenX technician receives ongoing training with a strong focus on safety, leading to superior job performance and customer satisfaction. Our facility maintenance experts pride themselves on continually giving you the best maintenance and repair services around, all while maintaining the safety of every working environment.
MaintenX has served Melbourne-area restaurants, office spaces, retail stores and other business facilities with a wide mix of maintenance and repair duties. MaintenX facility maintenance technicians repeatedly give business owners the best outcomes for their maintenance needs. We keep Melbourne businesses running smoothly.