Contact Info:
Phone Number: 855-751-0075
Address: MaintenX International, 2202 N. Howard Ave., Tampa, FL 33607
Facility Maintenance Experts
Businesses trust MaintenX for the best facility management services around. We provide expertly trained and high-skilled technicians to handle the many needs required in a field as all-encompassing as facility management. We both self-perform and self-manage facility maintenance for our clients. Rather than having to deal with multiple different vendors for each aspect of your company’s upkeep, we streamline the process through our account management philosophy. This means there is never a question of performance, accountability or quality. Our laser focused approach to work-order management keeps our technicians working efficiently and keeps our customers satisfied. In addition, our clients receive a level of comfort knowing that just one call to MaintenX will solve any of their facility maintenance problems. MaintenX has Weston businesses covered from curb to roof.
Disaster Response
Our Weston-area maintenance technicians are highly skilled in facility maintenance and disaster response efforts. MaintenX disaster response teams are deployable crews that serve as first responders to your company’s crisis. Our experts are well-versed in emergency management, disaster relief and repairs. In an area like Weston, natural or man-made disasters can occur in an instant, and when an emergency strikes, you want the right team of experts to get you back on track. Our disaster response services include repairing water damage from flooding, restoring any areas ruined by fire or smoke or assisting with storm clean-up efforts. No matter the disaster, MaintenX is here to help get Weston businesses back up and running. MaintenX has helped companies recover from crises and natural disasters for decades.
Why Choose Us?
MaintenX’s commitment to providing top quality maintenance work keeps its Weston-area customers coming back time and time again. Not only does MaintenX provide quality work, it emphasizes a culture of safety among every technician. Each MaintenX maintenance expert receives constant training with a strong concentration in both safety and customer service. Our facility maintenance technicians pride themselves on constantly giving you the best maintenance and repair services around.
MaintenX has served Weston-area restaurants, offices, workplaces and retail locations with a wide mix of maintenance and repair duties. MaintenX facility maintenance specialists give business owners the best results for their maintenance needs. We keep the Weston area running and looking its best.