Our Experts
Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
Our Experts
The team of self-performing technicians at MaintenX are fully trained and highly skilled in their areas of expertise. With superior on-site problem solving skills, our technicians go above and beyond to provide the highest level of customer service to our customers.
At MaintenX we have “SafetyX” which emphasizes the culture of safety that is instilled with all employees and activities we perform for our customers. MaintenX technicians are always ideally equipped to maximize their safety and protect the customer. Consistent training and safety exams are required, and safety bonuses awarded by the company to all eligible field technician employees. All contractors are held to the same level of safety standards and scrutiny.
Quality assurance procedures. We are Work Order management experts!
From the time your work order is entered into our system through our dedicated Work Order Inception Center to completion of the job, we track every step. Using the industry’s leading software and mobile technology allows us to monitor, measure and control every aspect of your work orders to ensure your instructions are followed every time.
With our work order technology, we can view individual technician performance against SLAs, as well as qualitative feedback from locations on their on that of performance. With Contractor Scorecards, we can monitor all contractors against your KPIs and enforce SLA compliance. Furthermore, negative feedback beyond a set threshold results in automatic escalation procedures as required.

MaintenX Supporting the Community and Giving Back!