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Preparing Your Pipes for the Winter
The cold months are fast approaching, which means a shift in focus for MaintenX teams across the country. Every year we prepare for common winter maintenance issues, including freezing pipes and line breaks due to improper maintenance. Therefore, our primary goal is to help clients reduce the risk of piping issues with proper preventative care … Continue reading "Preparing Your Pipes for the Winter"
Four Fall Cleaning and Maintenance Tips
Autumn is in full swing, which means it’s time to revisit your maintenance plan. As opposed to summer, fall poses several challenges to facility managers — from rising heating costs to increased landscaping needs and much more. If you want to be prepared for the change of seasons, follow these four maintenance tips from your … Continue reading "Four Fall Cleaning and Maintenance Tips"
How to Make A Reliability-Centered Maintenance Plan Work
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a method of maintenance planning that focuses on improving performance longevity and the reliability of equipment. Unlike reactive maintenance or basic preventative maintenance following the manufacturer’s schedule, RCM is a dynamic and proactive approach to maintenance for commercial facilities. However, just like with any other maintenance plan, it only performs well … Continue reading "How to Make A Reliability-Centered Maintenance Plan Work "
Mapping Out Your Building’s Annual Energy Costs
Energy efficiency is a top priority for all facility managers. It accounts for nearly 40% of your annual costs. Therefore, your energy consumption should be a serious consideration for everyone involved in the strategic planning of your building. Mapping out your energy costs at the beginning of the year is a great first step in … Continue reading "Mapping Out Your Building’s Annual Energy Costs"

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