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How To Better Communicate Safety Protocols At Your Facility
Safety protocol is arguably the most important aspect of facility management. Without proper safety measures in place, your business cannot function properly at all. However, many facility managers prioritize safety only in name. In practicality, they do not make the safety of their employees a top concern in their communications or protocol. In order to … Continue reading "How To Better Communicate Safety Protocols At Your Facility"
Preventing Onsite Injuries for Maintenance Staffing
Onsite injuries are tragic, expensive, and in so many cases, preventable. They account for over $170 billion in worker’s compensation and wrongful death costs every year. Onsite injuries can also cause undue stress on families, your staff, and your business as a whole. Many onsite injuries are preventable when leadership takes them seriously. Below we … Continue reading "Preventing Onsite Injuries for Maintenance Staffing"
How Asset Depreciation Will Affect Your Maintenance Planning
Proper asset management is one of the more complex tasks of a facility manager’s responsibility. Understanding the day-to-day needs of your facility equipment, while also seeing the bigger picture of your assets’ worth to the facility as a whole can be a challenge to even the most experienced manager. Where these two worlds of macro- … Continue reading "How Asset Depreciation Will Affect Your Maintenance Planning"
The Pros and Cons of A Run-To-Fail Maintenance Strategy
At MaintenX, we put a lot of emphasis on preventative maintenance for commercial facilities. It is a part of our core mission to ensure that proper preventative care leads to cost reductions and reduced downtime for our clients. But, preventative maintenance is not the only viable maintenance strategy. Among the many reactive maintenance strategies, there … Continue reading "The Pros and Cons of A Run-To-Fail Maintenance Strategy"

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