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The Cost of a Preventative Maintenance vs. No Maintenance Strategy
At MaintenX, we strongly encourage our clients to invest in preventative maintenance. These services — from regular tune-ups to cleaning and manufacturer’s recommended parts replacements — help to keep your facility’s plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems intact. However, we rarely discuss the potential benefits and costs of the no-maintenance strategy. What is a No … Continue reading "The Cost of a Preventative Maintenance vs. No Maintenance Strategy"
Attention to Detail Is The Difference Between Effective and Exceptional Facility Maintenance
In today’s modern workforce, speed is crucial. The technological world is moving faster than any of us imagined, and as maintenance technicians, we have to keep up as best we can with our clients’ fast-paced business environment. However, this emphasis on efficiency can pressure maintenance workers into doing less-than a perfect job in order to … Continue reading "Attention to Detail Is The Difference Between Effective and Exceptional Facility Maintenance"
Investing in New Infrastructure vs. Maintenance for School Campuses
School districts are facing a multitude of problems across the country in the wake of COVID-19. Mask requirements, online learning, and an ever-increasingly smaller budget are putting pressure on many school boards to cut costs wherever possible. And, far too often those funds are being cut from maintenance and new infrastructure budgets to fund seemingly … Continue reading "Investing in New Infrastructure vs. Maintenance for School Campuses"
Do You Take Maintenance Cost Increases Seriously?
At MaintenX, we talk a lot about reducing maintenance costs for facility managers. In most preventative maintenance plans, there is an underlying goal of reducing expenses as maintenance efficiency improves. But this does not mean that your maintenance budget should continue to decrease indefinitely. In fact, as your systems and equipment age and as different … Continue reading "Do You Take Maintenance Cost Increases Seriously?"

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