Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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What To Do for Your Business In A Natural Disaster Emergency
MaintenX has helped businesses through many natural disasters in our home state of Florida over the years. When Hurricane Michael hit the Florida panhandle in 2018, we sent several teams to support local businesses with emergency maintenance services to ensure they could survive the turbulent times. And, in this time we’ve learned a lot about … Continue reading "What To Do for Your Business In A Natural Disaster Emergency"
A Five-Step Plan for Reducing Your Backlog
Overdue maintenance backlogs are one of the most serious problems we face at MaintenX. Oftentimes, business owners and property managers don’t know what needs to be done or don’t see maintenance requests as a top priority until they become emergent. This results in a backlog that is difficult to pare down, and frequent emergency repairs … Continue reading "A Five-Step Plan for Reducing Your Backlog"
Unique Options for Commercial Flooring
When purchasing or leasing a new building, one of the most common renovations business owners make is a new flooring installation. After years of wear and tear, even the nicest flooring can start to look dull. Plus, if a new tenant is entering the building, they may have different operational needs that require a change … Continue reading "Unique Options for Commercial Flooring"
Five Preventative Maintenance Services for Your Backup Generator
Backup generators are necessary for most businesses in Florida. In addition to facilities where they are required, such as hospitals and nursing facilities, they are also common for retail and other commercial applications due to our prevalent hurricane seasons. With any luck, you won’t need to use your backup generator over the summer. However, it … Continue reading "Five Preventative Maintenance Services for Your Backup Generator"

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