Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Safety Checklist for Your Facility’s Spring Cleaning
Spring has finally arrived which means it’s time for a seasonal facility inspection and outdoor maintenance checkup. In Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we see drastic changes between the spring and summer. Some of these changes are minor, while others can cause a host of maintenance and safety issues for your staff. While scheduling … Continue reading "Safety Checklist for Your Facility’s Spring Cleaning"
How to Conquer Your Maintenance Backlog
Very few facility managers want to admit how intimidating their backlog can be. It’s a never-ending problem that only seems to grow. Tackling the backlog all at once can seem like an impossible task, but the longer a facility waits, the worse it will get. However, MaintenX can help you eliminate the backlog and get … Continue reading "How to Conquer Your Maintenance Backlog"
How To Use Your Work Order Data To Improve Facility Operations
The effectiveness of your maintenance team is a great indicator of your overall facility performance. If your maintenance team is overworked and undervalued, that’s a good sign that your facility is facing growing pains (or is aging quickly). However, if your maintenance team is on top of work orders and has a short backlog, signs … Continue reading "How To Use Your Work Order Data To Improve Facility Operations"
Why Work Order Management Is Top Priority for Facility Managers
For many facility managers, work order management is like the family junk drawer. It’s messy, disorganized, but functional enough to set aside. However, when it goes unchecked for enough years, by the time it starts to cause problems no one knows where to start. If you let this happen in your kitchen, it’s not a … Continue reading "Why Work Order Management Is Top Priority for Facility Managers"

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