What is EPA’s WaterSense Program?

No matter where you live, saving water should be a priority. WaterSense is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s newest partnership program. It has been implemented to safeguard the future of our country’s water supply by promoting easy ways to conserve water, in partnership with American companies creating more water-efficient products and services.

WaterSense Label

The WaterSense label indicates that a toilet, showerhead, or faucet meets the EPA’s standard of using 20% less water than the federal government requires. Since being implemented, products with the WaterSense label have saved America more than a billion gallons of water.

Partnership Program

To promote the program’s mission and to get the WaterSense label on consumer products, the EPA has enlisted partner companies in many U.S. industries, including state and local governments, manufacturers, retailers, and nonprofits.

Partner duties include things like:

  • Endorsing the WaterSense program
  • Following WaterSense logo rules
  • Giving the EPA permission to use the partner company’s name and logo for promotional materials and advertisements.

WaterSense also uses promotional partners. These companies essentially get the word out about WaterSense on behalf of the EPA. Promotional partners tend to be utilities, local governments, and non-governmental groups.

Precision Measurement Training Program

The Precision Measurement Training Program is an interactive online training course provided to WaterSense partners. It lays out the guidelines for WaterSense, and helps partners learn how the program works and how to promote it to the public.

Whether you’re a private business or a nonprofit, water conservation leads to big savings. And lowering your water usage doesn’t require you to completely change your life or work. When installing or updating your water equipment, look for the WaterSense label. For more information on how you can help conserve water, visit MaintenX.