How To Fix Patchy Grass

Patchy grass is more than just an eyesore at your commercial facility. It can make a poor first impression on customers, as they may think that you don’t take pride in your business’s appearance. Patchy grass can also detract from other beautiful landscaping you have, as it can make a beautiful front entrance with flowers look dull.

Patchy grass can happen for a number of reasons, which is why it’s important to diagnose the problem first before looking for solutions. However, if you know the cause of your dry landscaping, you can try one of these four options to fix it:

Check for plumbing leaks.

Grass that is “too green” may be a sign of plumbing issues under the surface. If your pipes are leaking, they may be providing water and nutrients into the soil that can lead to unusually vibrant patches of grass amidst other areas that are dead and dry. If you fix the leaks, you can fix the patchiness of the grass and begin working on soil health where it’s needed.

Add sidewalks and pathways.

Patchy grass may occur of too much foot traffic is causing the grass to become trampled in some areas. By adding a sidewalk, pathway, or simple stepping stones, you can direct foot traffic and prevent people from walking over your nicely manicured lawn.

Reduce the number of shade trees or add landscaping around them.

If you have too many shade trees on the lawn, you may notice that the grass is not as heavily concentrated in these areas. You can change this by either trimming or cutting down the trees, or by adding shade-tolerant landscaping around the trees to detract from the patchy grass. As growing trees is a lengthy process, we always recommend alternative landscaping to preserve the trees as much as possible on the property.

Spray for weeds and pests.

It’s no surprise that weeds and pest infestations can kill grass quickly. However, you need to be careful with the type of herbicides and insecticides you use, as they can kill the other landscaping you have. Use an organic spray, if possible, or look for alternatives like picking the weeds manually as this can minimize disruptions to other plant life.

MaintenX can help you maintain a beautiful exterior with our variety of exterior maintenance and repair services. To learn more about options in your city, contact your local MaintenX team today!

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