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The Importance Of Parking Lot Maintenance
Parking lots are rarely a first-priority for facility managers looking to make improvements in the look and function of their buildings. Typically, your parking lot will need little to no maintenance throughout the year, until the first winter snow rolls around. When this happens, you’ll need to take extra precautions to ensure a safe visiting … Continue reading "The Importance Of Parking Lot Maintenance"
How To Better Plan For After-Hours Maintenance
If you’re planning major maintenance work, it may be wise to schedule it after business hours. If loud equipment or disruptive procedures must be used to perform the maintenance task, it can be better to invest in after-hours care rather than risking shutdowns or lowered productivity during the day. However, in order for after-hours maintenance … Continue reading "How To Better Plan For After-Hours Maintenance"
Maintenance Tips For Stone Flooring
Stone flooring is one of the most attractive options for commercial facilities. This natural and long-lasting option is expensive, but adds an elegance unmatched by other types of commercial flooring. While they are exceedingly attractive, stone flooring requires special care that you as the facility manager should know. However, far too many facility managers don’t … Continue reading "Maintenance Tips For Stone Flooring"
Post- Holiday Season Cleaning and Maintenance Plan
The holidays are over, and now it’s time to get things back in order at your facility. For office buildings and small businesses, this may be as simple as some New Year’s cleaning and attending to minor issues appearing after a holiday closure. However, for retail outlets, food service facilities, and some medical facilities, the … Continue reading "Post- Holiday Season Cleaning and Maintenance Plan"

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