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Tips for Managing Your Building Remotely
This year, facility managers have had to combat several changes to their operational systems. From shelter-in-place orders to mandatory shutdowns, many businesses are resorting to remote work to keep their operations afloat. However, effective facility maintenance is not a simple job to handle from home. One element that facility managers must keep watch over is … Continue reading "Tips for Managing Your Building Remotely"
Reducing Your Energy Use Through Green and Hybrid Technologies
2020 has negatively impacted many businesses both financially and in morale. With so many closures, layoffs, and rapid changes affecting us all, it can be difficult to think about the future. However, the world keeps turning, and it is our responsibility as business leaders to keep moving forward with a brighter tomorrow in mind. The … Continue reading "Reducing Your Energy Use Through Green and Hybrid Technologies"
Simple And Affordable “Green” Upgrades For Your Building
Green architecture is seeing incredible growth in the commercial sector. As more and more businesses commit to environmental sustainability, they are looking for novel ways to reduce their carbon footprint. It is important to both consumers and long-term success of the company. However, there is not one clear path for companies to follow to improve … Continue reading "Simple And Affordable “Green” Upgrades For Your Building"
What Shingle Is Right For Your Building?
Commercial roofing installation is more than just a one-time service. It is a long-term investment in your property,and therefore must be carefully considered. In addition to choosing the right contractor, you need to choose the right roofing material for your facility needs. This decision will impact the longevity, maintenance costs, and aesthetic of your commercial … Continue reading "What Shingle Is Right For Your Building?"

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