Reducing Your Energy Use Through Green and Hybrid Technologies

2020 has negatively impacted many businesses both financially and in morale. With so many closures, layoffs, and rapid changes affecting us all, it can be difficult to think about the future. However, the world keeps turning, and it is our responsibility as business leaders to keep moving forward with a brighter tomorrow in mind. 

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted more than just people. It has impacted our environment in both positive and negative ways. Unfortunately, many companies have put a halt to green programs as a cost-cutting measure, but at MaintenX we encourage you to think about green and hybrid technologies for other reasons. While their main benefit is to impact the planet, these technologies can also help you reduce your energy costs: 

Solar energy 

Solar energy is the green alternative that most people are aware of. Solar panels are zero-emitting and can easily be installed onto a commercial building’s rooftop or in parking lots. They are designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, and have luckily reduced in price significantly. However, solar panels are only supplementary. They can reduce your conventional energy use but will not replace it entirely. Solar panels are also non-recyclable, which means if not taken care of they can create a negative impact in terms of material waste. 

Combined heat and power (CHP)

CHP energy is not a renewable energy, but rather a method for energy reduction that can help you lower your costs exponentially. By creating heat and electrical energy from a single source, it can effectively reduce emissions for your entire facility. However, unless biomass or geothermal energy is used, it is not as environmentally sustainable as solar power or other zero-emission energies. 

Electrical energy storage

Renewable energies are highly effective in helping companies to reach their environmental sustainability goals, but they are far less predictable than the use of fossil fuels. To combat this problem, energy- storage solutions are becoming more commonplace. These systems store excess electrical energy created through renewable sources, and use it in times where demand exceeds production. The energy storage system acts as a generator on days when solar panels cannot create enough energy to power the building. While these technologies will help you increase your use of renewable energy, they are still very much in the beginning stages, and can be costly to install. 

These energy technologies could put your business ahead of the game now and in the future. For more information on sustainability and green technology for commercial buildings, contact your local MaintenX team today! 

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