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Short- And Long-Term Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is a maintenance buzzword that gets tossed around quite frequently, but many facility managers don’t take it seriously. They rely on their technicians and the assumption that their ventilation system is intact to take care of indoor air quality. However, this reactive approach can cause major problems in the health and wellness … Continue reading "Short- And Long-Term Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality"
Can You Use A Residential HVAC Unit For A Small Commercial Facility?
Small commercial buildings — such as office spaces, boutique retail stores, or studios — are typically occupied by small businesses looking to save cash. Whether the property is rented or owned by the tenant business, it is still important for these businesses to be able to enjoy their workspace while also reducing their maintenance and … Continue reading "Can You Use A Residential HVAC Unit For A Small Commercial Facility?"
Planning and Budgeting For A Water Intrusion Repair
Most maintenance or facility managers view water intrusion as part of reactive maintenance. Why plan for a maintenance issue that rarely occurs? This line of thinking is logical, but unfortunately, it leaves you unprepared for the very real possibility of major leaks and flooding. Below, we will look at the most common types of water … Continue reading "Planning and Budgeting For A Water Intrusion Repair"
Facility Maintenance Trends To Expect in 2021
2020 has been a whirlwind for businesses, families, and most individuals across the country. The COVID-19 pandemic put many industries to a halt, and has forever changed the way businesses will operate. Luckily, the maintenance industry has been able to thrive, as it does through most recessions. However, the novelty of the coronavirus has impacted … Continue reading "Facility Maintenance Trends To Expect in 2021"

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