Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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What Maintenance Services Should You Include in a Commercial Lease?
As a property owner, you should design your commercial lease carefully to ensure both your’s and your tenant’s goals are met. The terms you agree on may last for years or even decades, so it’s important to set up a system where you have reasonable control and your tenants can take on responsibility for their … Continue reading "What Maintenance Services Should You Include in a Commercial Lease?"
Prepping Your Building To Sell
Commercial real estate is a tricky market to navigate. While financial projections are the primary consideration for buyers, aesthetic features and building maintenance can put one property over the edge in a highly competitive environment. MaintenX specializes in building repair and renovations and has had many experiences with facility inspections at the time of sale. … Continue reading "Prepping Your Building To Sell"
Challenges With Remote and Hybrid Office Culture
Remote work is likely to become the defining feature of office jobs in the 21st century. While the COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies’ hands into the remote setting, it has stuck even after businesses are able to open. The reduced overhead for businesses as well as increased freedom and flexibility for employees makes it a … Continue reading "Challenges With Remote and Hybrid Office Culture"
Running Your Maintenance Department Like You Do Your Household
Running a business is very similar to organizing a family household. There are about a hundred moving parts that all need to be attended to, and only a small team of people to make things happen. If you want to succeed, you need to attend to both with careful attention to detail, as well as … Continue reading "Running Your Maintenance Department Like You Do Your Household"

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