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Most Common Causes of Equipment Failures
At MaintenX, our primary goal is to reduce downtime for our clients. Preventative maintenance services ensure that our clients can deliver maximum performance month to month. When equipment failures occur, we offer quick, efficient reactive maintenance services in order to reduce downtime. However, there is much that is out of our hands when it comes … Continue reading "Most Common Causes of Equipment Failures "
Maintaining A Real Property Inventory
Asset management is one of the key areas for success of facility managers. Understanding your inventory and assets from the inside out will help you provide interdepartmental organization and maintain a better operational flow. It is for this reason that maintaining a Reap Property Inventory (RPI) is essential to your duty as a facility manager. … Continue reading "Maintaining A Real Property Inventory "
Three Ways To Reduce Environmental Impacts of Facilities Operations
Environmental sustainability is a hot topic in both the social and corporate world of the United States. As a country, we are leading in green technology development. These developments help modern business not only reduce their environmental impact from “business as usual” practices, but can help improve a business’ bottom line by reducing energy and … Continue reading "Three Ways To Reduce Environmental Impacts of Facilities Operations"
How Much Is Improper Training Costing Your Facility?
In today’s modern business culture, training is seen as something that happens outside the workplace. Entry-level jobs now typically require training — either in vocational or collegiate education — prior to hiring, and little training is given afterward. While there are many positive reasons for this, there are several drawbacks that companies fail to address … Continue reading "How Much Is Improper Training Costing Your Facility? "

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