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What Are Waterproof Membranes In Commercial Facilities?
Waterproofing may not be the most glamorous of facility maintenance tasks, but at MaintenX we take it very seriously. This simple step in your preventative maintenance plan can save you many hundreds of dollars and headaches in the future. By investing in waterproofing services, you prevent mold, rust, and other water damages from eating up … Continue reading "What Are Waterproof Membranes In Commercial Facilities?"
What Is An Elastomeric Coating?
Waterproofing your facility could one day save its life. Water damage is one of the top expenses for facility managers. When water gets in it can cause mold, mildew, rust, and equipment breakdowns – unwanted headaches. However, MaintenX offers a simple waterproofing solution: elastomeric coatings. Elastomeric coatings are a simple and effective roof waterproofing solution … Continue reading "What Is An Elastomeric Coating?"
How To Prevent Mold, Mildew, and Rust At Your Facility
Mold, mildew, and rust are a facility manager’s worst nightmare. These structural issues can not only cause a loss of property value but can be precursors to accidents or damage to your facility equipment. If you see signs of these problems, it may be too late to stop equipment damage from following. Preventing the spread … Continue reading "How To Prevent Mold, Mildew, and Rust At Your Facility"
The Importance Of Waterproofing Your Facility Inside And Out
You may not consider waterproofing to be a top priority in facility maintenance. In fact, you may not even know if your facility roofing and exteriors have been waterproofed. While it can be tempting to put off maintenance chores like these, there are several reasons why waterproofing should be first on the list of your … Continue reading "The Importance Of Waterproofing Your Facility Inside And Out"

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