The Importance Of Waterproofing Your Facility Inside And Out

You may not consider waterproofing to be a top priority in facility maintenance. In fact, you may not even know if your facility roofing and exteriors have been waterproofed. While it can be tempting to put off maintenance chores like these, there are several reasons why waterproofing should be first on the list of your preventative maintenance tasks. 

Waterproofing benefits both the aesthetic appeal and lifespan of your facility. Waterproofing will prevent mold, mildew, and wood rot that can cause long-term headaches for facility managers and tenants. By waterproofing areas of the interior and exterior building, you can save yourself time, money, and a big hassle. 

If your facility is not currently waterproofed, you have several options from which to choose:

Elastomeric coating – This waterproofing solution is typically reserved for roofing. It is similar to a painted sealant that provides tough water protection for surfaces. Elastomeric coatings may also be used on walls for both interior and exterior protection. 

Caulking – Caulking is the most common form of waterproofing, typically applied to cracks and openings around doors, vents, windows, and gaps in walls. Caulking is an inexpensive and versatile waterproofing measure that will more than pay off in the end. 

Waterproof membrane – Waterproof membranes are typically applied when roofing materials are first applied. They provide a sealed layer between the core structure and external roofing. Waterproof membranes can be expensive but will enhance the integrity of the structure without adding significant density or weight to the roof. 

Waterproofing is most important in high traffic areas and places where water damage is a risk. Caulking doors and windows, as well as waterproofing in areas where water leaks are likely, reduces the likelihood of damage later on down the line. You can prevent:

  • Mold and mildew
  • Water stains
  • Rust
  • Odor from water damage
  • Premature wear of other coatings such as paint
  • Damage to structure and insulation
  • Increased pest problems

When planning for waterproofing services, some areas should be given a higher priority. Your roofing, plumbing, drainage, concrete structures, and areas where materials are joined together (such as windows) should be first on the list. A MaintenX technician can help you determine high versus low priority waterproofing needs. We offer honest advice and affordable rates to ensure our clients can protect their facilities at a lower cost. 

If you are interested in waterproofing options for your facility, contact MaintenX today.