Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Troubleshoot HVAC Problems Before Calling Maintenance
No facility manager ever wants to call in maintenance for an emergency. Whether it’s a leaky faucet, a mold sighting, or a broken AC unit, nothing ruins your day faster than having to plan and budget for an onsite repair. At MaintenX we try to make these headaches as quick and painless as possible. Our … Continue reading "How To Troubleshoot HVAC Problems Before Calling Maintenance"
Choosing The Right Heat Pumps For Your Building
Temperature control is a vital aspect of maintaining a productive work environment. Not only is comfort important, but many inventory warehouses need a certain temperature to maintain quality of products. Regardless of the size or use for your facility, cool and comfortable temperature is necessary year-round. While many facilities currently use separate units for their … Continue reading "Choosing The Right Heat Pumps For Your Building"
5 Benefits Of Zone Heating And Cooling
In a crowded building or office space, the thermostat can be a major point of contention for coworkers. Some like it nice and warm, others want to keep it cool, and some want to change the temperature day by day. This can cause headaches for managers who have much better things to do than police … Continue reading "5 Benefits Of Zone Heating And Cooling"
The Many Benefits Of A Rooftop HVAC Unit
Depending on the age and design of your facility, you may be lucky enough to have a rooftop HVAC unit. Rooftop units (RTUs) have been popular in commercial building design since the early 20th century. Originally built for congested urban areas, they are now the standard for large commercial facilities and modern office spaces. If … Continue reading "The Many Benefits Of A Rooftop HVAC Unit"

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