

Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.

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    Autumn may be approaching quickly, but for many parts of the U.S., the air conditioning is still running on full blast. At our headquarters in Tampa, Florida, we don’t expect the cool weather to come for another few months. In the meantime, we want to help our clients cool their facilities more efficiently. A more … Continue reading "AC Running Non-Stop? Here’s How You Can Cool Your Facility More Easily"

    Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are an essential part of maintaining a productive work environment. Not only do they affect your staff’s comfort, but proper ventilation is a safety measure that should never be overlooked. Yet, despite its critical role in proper facility management, HVAC maintenance is often left on the back burner until a … Continue reading "Here’s What Happens When You Skip Your HVAC Maintenance"

    What To Do If Your Heater Blows Cold Air
    Posted: October 03, 2019

    Temperature control is a major task for facility managers, yet one that is often overlooked. In large factories, fluctuations in heating and AC can affect product outcomes. A change in temperature can also disrupt warehouse productivity, or make a workforce very dissatisfied. So, when your heater goes out in the middle of winter, you’ve got … Continue reading "What To Do If Your Heater Blows Cold Air"

    A refrigerant leak is serious business that we at MaintenX urge clients to take care of immediately. Not everyone on your staff will realize what the leak is, or why it could be dangerous to their health. That is why preventative maintenance, along with speedy repairs of refrigerant leaks, is our #1 priority for facilities … Continue reading "What To Do About A Refrigerant Leak At Your Facility"


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