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The Costs of Cleaning vs. Ignoring Your HVAC Air Ducts
You may be wondering if it is really necessary to clean your HVAC air ducts. Some people don’t even consider cleaning parts of their house or business that they can’t see. Cleaning your HVAC ducts every three to five years is a lot more important than you think. Cleaning your HVAC ducts keeps your entire … Continue reading "The Costs of Cleaning vs. Ignoring Your HVAC Air Ducts"
What Is “Whole Building Design” And How Can It Improve Your Facility’s Energy Efficiency
You may be asking yourself what “Whole building design” means and how can it save you money. The Whole Building Design approach looks at all major attributes of a building and optimizes them to be efficient, sustainable, durable, and safe, which saves money for the consumer as well. In order to achieve a design like … Continue reading "What Is “Whole Building Design” And How Can It Improve Your Facility’s Energy Efficiency"
Tax Credits and Rebates You Can Earn with A More Efficient Electrical System
If you are looking to upgrade your electrical system at your home or business, now is certainly the time. Federal tax credits for both solar panel systems and solar hot water systems have been extended to the end of 2019. At the end of the year, the credit starts to be reduced. If you upgrade … Continue reading "Tax Credits and Rebates You Can Earn with A More Efficient Electrical System"
What to Do About Recurring Clogs in Your Facility’s Plumbing
Plumbing problems can affect other systems in your facility. If you are noticing increased clogs, it may be a sign of a much bigger problem. Clogged drains could be a sign of poor pressure, which could lead to backflow problems and even a contamination of water, but it could also mean there are problems in … Continue reading "What to Do About Recurring Clogs in Your Facility’s Plumbing"
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