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Environmental Sustainability Risks and Opportunities for Florida’s Commercial Buildings
Environmental sustainability is one of the hottest topics in today’s political and economic climate. For many of us, there seems to be a zero-sum game between economic and environmental health, with many Americans fearful of the future. However, it is important for businesses to look at the opportunities that this worldwide problem brings us, as … Continue reading "Environmental Sustainability Risks and Opportunities for Florida’s Commercial Buildings"
What is Underpinning In Commercial Construction?
The foundation is the single most important part of any architectural structure. The foundation provides stability to everything else and is the single-most difficult and expensive component to repair or any building. In many cases, if the foundation is damaged, the building will be torn down or abandoned. However, for high-value commercial real estate, there … Continue reading "What is Underpinning In Commercial Construction?"
How To Fix Patchy Grass
Patchy grass is more than just an eyesore at your commercial facility. It can make a poor first impression on customers, as they may think that you don’t take pride in your business’s appearance. Patchy grass can also detract from other beautiful landscaping you have, as it can make a beautiful front entrance with flowers … Continue reading "How To Fix Patchy Grass"
How To Keep Your Grass Green in The Summertime
In Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, many of our clients struggle to keep grass green in the hottest summer months. This can also be true for those throughout the Southern United States, where high temperatures and sporadic rainfall can make grass either dry out or drown rather than thrive. It can be difficult even at … Continue reading "How To Keep Your Grass Green in The Summertime"

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