Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Three Times You Don’t Need To Call Your Maintenance Service
At MaintenX, we always want our customers to call us first for repairs and preventative maintenance on their buildings. However, we also want to save our customers as much money as possible so they can keep coming back to us year after year. We strive to provide fast and affordable service, but there are some … Continue reading "Three Times You Don’t Need To Call Your Maintenance Service"
Trending Colors and Decor for Office Buildings 2022
2022 has arguably been the best year of the decade for most Americans thus far. As we turn out of the pandemic and into a brighter future, many small business owners are rethinking how they utilize their office space. With a thriving economy and a changing perspective of what “business as usual” means for the … Continue reading "Trending Colors and Decor for Office Buildings 2022"
Hiring a Handyman vs. a Contractor For Minor Repairs
Small businesses are always looking for ways to cut costs on operations. A more efficient piece of equipment, a simpler closing process, or a cheaper repair can all help toward keeping a burgeoning business afloat. However, there are some places where cost-cutting simply isn’t the best solution. Hiring a handyman may be tempting if your … Continue reading "Hiring a Handyman vs. a Contractor For Minor Repairs"
Modern Building Design Trends in 2022
The primary objective of any company is to stand out from the competition. Whether you’re a Silicon Valley tech firm or a mom-and-pop shop from down the road, you want to take every competitive advantage you can to make yourself seen. You can do so with innovative products or a stellar marketing campaign, but one … Continue reading "Modern Building Design Trends in 2022"

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