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What Is Included In a Preventative Maintenance Plan?
At MaintenX we talk a lot about preventative maintenance (PM) planning, but many of our clients confuse this for the list of manufacturer recommendations for their assets. While manufacturer recommendations are a great guide, they do not comprise even half of what is necessary for an effective PM strategy. Below are the five elements you … Continue reading "What Is Included In a Preventative Maintenance Plan?"
What is a Gemba Walk and How Can It Help Improve Your Maintenance Plan?
Most of modern manufacturing and industrial standards come from Japan, home of the Toyota lean manufacturing and Kaizen processes. As some of the greatest innovators in manufacturing, we can learn a lot from the Japanese style of facility maintenance and how they achieve peak efficiency at all times. One of the ways we use this … Continue reading "What is a Gemba Walk and How Can It Help Improve Your Maintenance Plan?"
Three Quick Tips for Improving Your Preventative Maintenance Plan
It’s difficult to strike the right balance between preventative maintenance (PM) and run-to-fail or reactive maintenance for large commercial facilities. You don’t want to implement a strictly run-to-fail program because of the enormous risk this strategy takes; however, preventative maintenance is not a simple set-it-and-forget-it strategy either. Many preventative maintenance strategies are determined solely by … Continue reading "Three Quick Tips for Improving Your Preventative Maintenance Plan"
Rethinking Your Office Space Design for 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic changed more than our health protocols throughout 2020 and 2021. The already shifting workforce was suddenly thrust into a purely tech-driven world, where remote working digital efficiency was paramount even for the most traditional brick and mortar businesses. Everyone from retailers to medical facilities and even restaurants switched to digital shopping and … Continue reading "Rethinking Your Office Space Design for 2022"

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