

Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.

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    Sustainability is the commitment to being environmentally friendly everything an organization does. While any individual can strive to live sustainably, many initiatives in the America have been successful at promoting it to business. The largest proponent of sustainability in the United States government is the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA. The EPA was designed to … Continue reading "3 Examples of Successful Sustainability Programs in the U.S."

    The Benefits of Green Landscaping
    Posted: November 13, 2017

    Landscaping is important because it’s the face of a business, the part that prospective customers interact with first. Business owners and facility managers have many landscaping options for their storefront, but green landscaping is the best one. It allows for helping the environment and saving on maintenance costs without sacrificing aesthetics. Green landscaping means using … Continue reading "The Benefits of Green Landscaping"

    Different types of flooring require different procedures for maintenance, but the concept stays the same: proper cleaning is the most important part of maximizing your flooring investment. As such, it behooves a business to develop a specific plan for floor maintenance, including cleaning schedule and products, then stick to it. Having the right equipment matters. … Continue reading "How to Get the Most out of your Flooring Investment"

    Water conservation helps the environment and cuts down on utility costs. Use these 3 tips to improve how your business manages water. One of the easiest ways to save water in a commercial building is to install plumbing fixtures and appliances that are designed for that purpose. Low-flow faucets, toilets, and urinals consume less water … Continue reading "3 Ways to Save Water in Commercial Buildings"


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