Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Choosing the Right Roof Ventilation for Your Building
Roof ventilation is a critical component for all types of commercial facilities. For retail stores and office buildings, it can ensure comfort and greater indoor air quality for tenants, while it can be required for commercial kitchens and manufacturing sites for health and safety. Regardless of your specific needs, choosing the right ventilation system is … Continue reading "Choosing the Right Roof Ventilation for Your Building"
How To Prevent Mold And Mildew In Your Restrooms
Mold and mildew are common enemies in commercial building bathrooms. Due to higher foot traffic and the occasional leaky faucet or messy visitor, you can develop these types of fungus quickly from water damage. While mold and mildew can be removed with chemical products and some elbow grease, it is much better to prevent it … Continue reading "How To Prevent Mold And Mildew In Your Restrooms"
15 Spare Parts You Should Always Have On Hand
MaintenX strives to make our clients’ maintenance programs as efficient as possible. That is why we encourage all clients to implement preventative maintenance protocols to reduce emergency repairs and make their operating equipment last its intended service life. However, even with the best preventative maintenance service, emergency repairs will happen from time to time. … Continue reading "15 Spare Parts You Should Always Have On Hand"
Is DIY Drain Cleaning A Good Idea?
Commercial buildings put a lot of wear and tear on their plumbing. Whether its kitchen grease, chemical products, or simply the high foot traffic of commercial bathrooms, you are likely to experience more backups and drain issues than you would in a residential building. This is why drain cleaning is so critical to commercial buildings … Continue reading "Is DIY Drain Cleaning A Good Idea?"

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