Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Three Tips for Improving Work Order Management
Work order management is one of the most important aspects of a facility manager’s job. They are tasked with the responsibility of managing workflow throughout the maintenance department and ensuring that work orders are fulfilled before minor repairs become emergencies. However, this task is not one without roadblocks and bottlenecks. Designing a system that reduces … Continue reading "Three Tips for Improving Work Order Management"
New Year’s Resolutions For Your Maintenance Department
New Year’s Resolutions are a touchy subject for many. Most of us fail to implement them past January or have trouble coming up with ones that are truly meaningful. As a business, it can be even more difficult to decide what to keep and what to change about your company’s culture and operations as the … Continue reading "New Year’s Resolutions For Your Maintenance Department"
The Importance Of Environmental Awareness in 2022
2021 was a year of growth for many individuals and companies, especially on the environmental forefront. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 made brands reevaluate their priorities, and despite the turmoil that ensued, many came back with a renewed mission to do better for their employees and the environment. In 2022, MaintenX wants to help … Continue reading "The Importance Of Environmental Awareness in 2022"
How To Incorporate Environmental Sustainability Into Your Company Culture
What defines a company’s culture is about much more than what it says in your mission statement. It’s about how your teams communicate, what they believe is important, and what guides your decision-making process at every level of the company’s operations. Company culture isn’t something you write down – it’s something you feel and something … Continue reading "How To Incorporate Environmental Sustainability Into Your Company Culture"

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