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The Biggest Culprits of Poor Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is a hot topic in commercial facility maintenance today. Winter is notorious for the cold and flu season, which can cause what is known in the maintenance world as “sick building syndrome.” As indoor air quality worsens, bacteria, viruses, and mold can spread through the HVAC system of a facility and cause … Continue reading "The Biggest Culprits of Poor Indoor Air Quality"
Why Does The Office Heater Smell Like Its Burning?
Winter is just around the corner, which means you’ll be switching from air conditioning to heating pretty soon (if you haven’t already). In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we still have a month or so before our local clients need to turn the heater on every day. However, we want those in northern climates … Continue reading "Why Does The Office Heater Smell Like Its Burning?"
How To Safely Remove Tree Roots From Your Sewer Line
If you’ve worked at one facility for long enough, eventually you will experience a plumbing backup at your facility. While MaintenX tries to prevent these with hydro jetting services and regular maintenance services for your pipes, older buildings often experience plumbing issues as the pipes corrode over time. One of the most common causes … Continue reading "How To Safely Remove Tree Roots From Your Sewer Line"
How To Find A Water Leak Within Walls of Your Building
Water leaks are a major hassle for commercial facility managers. They can cause damage quickly and often end in expensive repairs. However, nothing is worse than a leak that is occurring within the walls of your facility. These are incredibly hard to catch and will result in drywall rot, roofing damage, and mold if you’re … Continue reading "How To Find A Water Leak Within Walls of Your Building"

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