Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Are You In The Clear for Hurricane Season?
2021 has already had its share of significant hurricanes and tropical storms. Hurricane Ida wiped out much of New Orleans and surrounding areas, and there are others brewing in the Gulf, ready to make a path toward the mainland. Many MaintenX clients are calling to ask, “When will we be in the clear for hurricane … Continue reading "Are You In The Clear for Hurricane Season?"
Best Roofing for Florida Businesses
Businesses on the Florida coast have to consider their roofing material much more carefully than other commercial facilities. Florida businesses are subject to salt spray, hurricanes, scorching sun, and extended summer heat that can all damage the roofing and make the interior more costly to cool. Therefore, it’s important to choose a material that will … Continue reading "Best Roofing for Florida Businesses"
Advantages and Disadvantages of Rubber Roofing
Rubber roofing is one of the most economical and durable roofing options available to both residential and commercial facilities. While rarely seen on homes, it is becoming more popular for commercial buildings for its many long-term benefits. If you’re interested in rubber roofing, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages first before contacting your MaintenX … Continue reading "Advantages and Disadvantages of Rubber Roofing"
Prepare for Fall In Advance With These Five Maintenance Tips
Cool breezes, changing colors, and holiday festivities are not far away. As the summer ends and autumn begins, you want to start changing your maintenance schedule to reflect the new season. There are some major differences between fall and summer maintenance, most importantly exterior maintenance scheduled. Below are five ways you can prepare your building … Continue reading "Prepare for Fall In Advance With These Five Maintenance Tips"

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