Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Prevent Overworking Your HVAC System This Summer
Summertime is one of the busiest seasons for restaurants, retail outlets, and offices. However, with this influx in foot traffic, you can expect an increase in your cooling costs. Your HVAC will be working overtime to cool your large space, and that can lead to premature breakdowns if you’re not careful. MaintenX cares about … Continue reading "How To Prevent Overworking Your HVAC System This Summer"
Safe Practices for Summer Outdoor Maintenance Work
Summertime is one of the busiest times for maintenance workers. With HVAC systems overworked and outdoor spaces needing additional care, we are often booked to the maximum every day. However, this can pose several risks for the maintenance team on your job site. We ask that all clients help us promote a safe and productive … Continue reading "Safe Practices for Summer Outdoor Maintenance Work"
How To Manage Summer Landscaping At Your Facility
Summer is finally here, which means two important things for your facility — your A/C bill is about to go up and your landscaping is about to get out of control! With increasing temperatures and summer showers, it can be difficult to manage your facility’s landscaping schedule. Luckily, MaintenX has some tips that can get … Continue reading "How To Manage Summer Landscaping At Your Facility"
Is Facility Maintenance The Right Career For Me?
Facility maintenance jobs can be incredibly rewarding for the right person. They are hands-on, meaningful to the community, and pay very well in comparison to the cost of education. However, becoming an HVAC technician, electrician, plumber, or other maintenance worker is not right for everyone. It requires several years of training and should not be … Continue reading "Is Facility Maintenance The Right Career For Me?"

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