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    Cutting 2021 Maintenance Costs
    Posted: March 15, 2021

    As a result of the pandemic that began last year, many companies are actively looking for ways to salvage profits by reducing costs. While there are many routes that a business can take, one area in which it is easy to cut costs is facility maintenance. That is not to say that maintenance should be … Read More

    Restaurants are one of the most difficult kinds of businesses to run successfully, but they have major payoffs if done correctly. In order to keep a restaurant operating smoothly, the kitchen must be the focus of maintenance as it is the heart of the restaurant and the most important for its operations. In order to … Read More

    Maintenance is an important aspect of managing a facility, as proper execution ensures that all business processes in the facility will run smoothly. The cost of not performing maintenance or performing it poorly greatly outweighs the cost of performing it, so it is always something worth investing in. That being said, there is such a … Read More

    As the summer approaches, there are a few specific maintenance tasks a facility manager should be aware of. While maintenance is an important part of managing a facility throughout the year, there are specific challenges that are present during the summer months that are less prevalent during the rest of the year. Planning for these … Read More

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