Why the Indoor Environment is SO Important for Employee Health

The indoor environment of a building is integral to occupant’s health and happiness. Many Americans spend a most of their day indoors, and without proper air quality, numerous health issues can arise. Bad air quality can also decrease productivity. Common health complaints include headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, an increase in allergies and a negative effect on respiratory conditions (such as asthma). Companies have a legal and moral obligation to ensure the people under their care work in a happy, healthy indoor environment.

Air Quality Matters – A Lot

Poor air quality not only relates to poor health, but also eats into productivity, overall happiness, and wellbeing. Adequate ventilation is a big factor, so it’s important to regularly maintain and update your circulation systems. This is even more integral if the air outside the building is heavily polluted. Clues that air quality may not be up to scratch are: dirt around cooling systems, constant headaches and feelings of fatigue, odors, mold, and a general feeling of ‘stuffiness’.

The Right Lighting

Lighting is another important aspect of the indoor environment. This refers to artificial and natural light – both of which can have a direct impact on productivity and health. Flickering lights can cause headaches and eye strain, so ensure to fix and maintain lights when needed. When it comes to choosing lighting for a building, it should be bright enough for documents to be read, but not too bright as to cause glare. Exposure to natural light has a resoundingly positive influence; people who work in artificial light are more likely to feel tired – especially at the end of the day.

Purchase Some Plants

Having plants indoors can help to make the environment a better place by increasing people’s happiness and productivity in one swoop. Plants have been found in some studies to increase attention, as well as productivity, and quality of life. This makes them a great investment for any building.

Taking the above into consideration and choosing to make positive changes to a building’s indoor environment can make help make your occupants happier, healthier, and more productive.