Why NOT Taking Action is More Expensive when it comes to Facility Management

Being a facility manager means there is a great deal of accountability laid at your door. Your role is to keep the entire facility run as smoothly and efficiently as possible, allowing the organization to focus on its primary purpose.

With such a vast and varied range of responsibilities, sometimes things fall by the wayside or are put off to a later date. This can cause something that seems like a small problem now to snowball into a much larger issue in time. That is why it is important to conduct preventative maintenance.

Being proactive is paramount to a facility manager’s success. This practical attitude makes sense on a financial level as well as a systematic one; if equipment has to be replaced when it could have been maintained, the cost is much higher and can have a negative effect on the facility as a whole.

The Importance of Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is integral to ensuring a facility runs correctly, and should be one of the main concerns for any facility manager. It has a huge impact on how cost-effective a department can be, and will lessen the likelihood of equipment failing.  Therefore, measures must be taken to ensure preventative maintenance is regularly carried out. It’s also important that there’s a clear, accessible record of maintenance kept so you’re able to retrieve information easily if something does go wrong.

If preventative maintenance is not routinely carried out, expensive items or equipment may have to be replaced. There can even be additional costs to employ an expert to fix or install items if they are not already on staff. Regular maintenance can help quickly identify and address issues as they appear and can reduce the likelihood of major problems arising without warning. In short, if a piece of equipment malfunctions and you do not have a strong preventative system in place, more time and money will be spent than if you did.