Tips for Creating Efficient Parking Lots

Getting from Point A to Point B in their cars is something people often take for granted. Arriving at Point B and expecting a parking place is another.

Parking is important, and that means parking lots are important. If your business has a parking lot that isn’t well-designed, you’re going to run into problems.

Let’s take a look at some tips that can help your fix a chaotic parking situation in your parking lot.

Angled Parking

Angled parking is a popular choice, but why? Simply put, angled parking spaces don’t require vehicles to make sharp turns, making it easier for cars to maneuver in and out of parking spaces. They also reduce the likelihood that a car will be blocked if another car parks too close.

Pros of Angled Parking

  • Easy to park
  • Easy to exit
  • Requires less turning radius
  • Less likely to get blocked in
  • Can fit more spaces per square foot

Cons of Angled Parking

  • Requires one-way traffic lanes
  • Can be harder to line up the nose of the vehicle

Straight Parking

Traditional, “old school” straight parking setups allow for more flexible traffic. Straight parking lets cars line up in the parking spot using the front and both sides as guidelines, reducing the likelihood of a fender-bender when entering or exiting

Pros of Straight Parking

  • Allows for two-way traffic
  • Cars can line up vehicle from multiple angles

Cons of Straight Parking

  • Spaces take up more square footage
  • Cars need to swing out more in order to park

Changing your parking lot layout isn’t going to change the world or affect your employees’ commute—right away. But over time, you will notice that a parking lot arrangement more suited to your particular needs will improve morale, reduce tardiness, and prevent accidents in your parking lot.