Tips for Training New Technicians

Facility technicians work hard to make sure everything in your facility works smoothly. They take care of things like:

  • Meeting room bookings
  • Asset repair and maintenance
  • Inventory
  • Grounds keeping needs

That why keeping existing, as well as new, technicians well-trained is an important part of a successful facility. Below are some tips to do just that.

Write it all Out

If you aren’t already doing so, you should document all your facility processes, everything from how your office handles incoming to how you schedule winterizations and asset inventories.

Not only will documenting all your various processes help your new (and veteran) technicians, but it will also assist in refining these procedures. Also, consider:

  • Allowing your top performers to train new hires
  • Investing in technology that keeps everyone in your organization seamlessly connected.
  • Scheduling training times so your staff can get the maximum benefit from the training process

Technician Training Schedule

Map out a detailed training schedule. Start by documenting what you’ll need to teach new technicians and how you plan to do so.

After that, make a regular training schedule. It’s a lot of work in the beginning, but it will save you headaches later.

The True Worth of Training Technicians

Investing in your technicians can improve processes, reduce system failures, and increase the health and happiness of your entire workforce. With a strong technician training strategy, you can maximize your training dollars and improve your technician training program as you implement it.