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Is Your Maintenance Plan Good, or Just Good Enough?
Facility managers spend a great amount of time planning. They plan for emergencies, plan for the next quarter, and plan for the upcoming year’s costs and new developments. However, not all planning yields the same results. Many facility managers follow the status quo when it comes to their maintenance, but don’t put in the time … Continue reading "Is Your Maintenance Plan Good, or Just Good Enough?"
How To Implement Root Cause Analysis In Maintenance Planning
How often do you see your maintenance staff? Are they familiar faces that you rely on for preventative care of your facility? Or do they only see you in your most stressed, dire circumstances when something has gone terribly wrong? If the latter is the case, you are likely relying on reactive maintenance planning for … Continue reading "How To Implement Root Cause Analysis In Maintenance Planning"
How To Plan and Control Your Maintenance Backlog
The maintenance backlog is a continual source of stress for facility managers. For most, the backlog is the endless line of maintenance tasks that need to be done ASAP, few of which you actually have time for. But this is not the real purpose of the backlog. They should truly only be used for planned … Continue reading "How To Plan and Control Your Maintenance Backlog"
Is Your Facility In Maintenance Budget Jail?
Do you feel like you’re in “budget jail” as the facility manager of your property? Maybe you have strict upper management that doesn’t give you the money you want to expand programs. Or, maybe you’re in charge of setting the budget but aren’t sure how to do it so you’re saving instead of wasting resources. … Continue reading "Is Your Facility In Maintenance Budget Jail?"

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