How To Plan and Control Your Maintenance Backlog

The maintenance backlog is a continual source of stress for facility managers. For most, the backlog is the endless line of maintenance tasks that need to be done ASAP, few of which you actually have time for. But this is not the real purpose of the backlog. They should truly only be used for planned services that you want to complete by a certain date. Using the backlog as an urgent to-do list will only set your system up for failure. 

Facility managers can divide their job into several responsibilities. They must plan and schedule maintenance services, organize maintenance staffing, direct major projects, and lead the flow of events as smoothly as possible. Scheduling is a tool oftentimes used to control the maintenance team’s workload so that they are able to meet goals and keep up with necessary tasks. By taking control of your backlog, you can better perform scheduling at your facility with more effective results. 

Your backlog should be the answer to your question, “What’s on the agenda for next week?” It condenses your overall goals and strategies and puts them into actionable steps you can take on a daily basis. Each action taken to reduce the backlog should, therefore, always be improving the system. By comparing facility performance over time, you can determine what services yield the greatest results and design your backlog for added value. 

Retooling your backlog should also improve wrench time significantly. By reducing the demand on your maintenance team for putting out fires, you can plan for more cost-effective preventative care measures. These typically take less time and fewer resources, and give your technicians the ability to perform their best work. In times of crisis, the technician’s goal will be to find the fastest solution, no matter how temporary or costly it may be. If you create a backlog that’s focused on preventative repairs, they have the time to brainstorm effective solutions and prevent problems before they become disastrous. 

Your maintenance backlog doesn’t have to be a sore spot of your facility. It can be a great tool for organizing the workload, but only if you use it correctly. One of the ways we at MaintenX combat this issue is through the use of our advanced work order management system. 

When you contact our offices, our dispatch team provides information to technicians via the MaintenX vendor management technology platform. This advanced system is available in every MaintenX service vehicle, which means our technicians arrive on time and prepared for any service you request. We can also track service history to give your technician a full picture of your facility’s needs. No other self-performing contractor network delivers the same great service in record times. 

To learn more about the MaintenX commitment to superior service, contact us today!


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