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How COVID-19 Is Changing Views on Sustainable Energy
COVID-19 has devastated the lives of millions of Americans. With over 10 million confirmed cases and a climbing death count, businesses are still not back to normal in most states. Business owners have struggled for months now to maintain the health of their customers as a first priority without having to close their doors for … Continue reading "How COVID-19 Is Changing Views on Sustainable Energy"
Designing an Energy-Efficient Commercial Facility
Energy-efficiency is at the top of every builder’s priority list these days. Optimizing energy efficiency used to be something only green builders focused on, but more often facility renters are looking for the benefits of cost-efficiency and decreased environmental footprint that energy-efficient buildings have to offer. There are many options available to help your building … Continue reading "Designing an Energy-Efficient Commercial Facility"
Preparing Your Roofing For Winter
Winter is brutal for commercial facilities and their maintenance teams. The snow, ice, freeze-and-thaw cycles, and other harsh weather conditions can cause damage to your facility if you are not prepared. Proper maintenance for all major building components — your HVAC system, plumbing, electrical system, and roofing — will help you stay safe during winter … Continue reading "Preparing Your Roofing For Winter "
How To Find Air Leaks In Your Facility Before Winter
As winter approaches, it’s important to prepare your facility by sealing all air leaks. An air leak is any crack, crevice, or opening where heated air escapes your facility, and cold air from outside can come in. This affects the efficiency of your heater as well as the comfort of your tenants. Even small air … Continue reading "How To Find Air Leaks In Your Facility Before Winter"

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