Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Five Reasons It’s Not Cool Enough In Your Office
Summer is here, and we’re all trying to escape the heat. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, all of our clients are struggling to deal with the heat and humidity. Many have tenants or staff complaining about the indoor temperature, which is the last thing any facility manager wants to happen. While you may … Continue reading "Five Reasons It’s Not Cool Enough In Your Office"
How To Switch To A Different Maintenance Contractor
Are you unhappy with your current maintenance service provider? Perhaps you’ve been with the same company for many years, and haven’t seen the improvements you’d like over time. Or, you feel like the contractor you’re currently working with is doing a sub-par job. If you’re unsatisfied with your maintenance job, you should seriously consider switching … Continue reading "How To Switch To A Different Maintenance Contractor"
How Color Can Improve Your Landscape Design
How often do you think about your landscape? As someone who spends a lot of time at your building, the details in the landscaping might evade you. It all becomes normal after a while, and you may not want to invest anymore other than maintenance in your outdoor showroom or storefront lawn. However, this can … Continue reading "How Color Can Improve Your Landscape Design"
Insider Information You Need About Air Duct Maintenance
Air ducts are a seemingly insignificant part of your HVAC system that most facility managers don’t think about too often. For most facilities, they’re “out of sight, out of mind.” However, your air ducts are the single-most-important part of the HVAC system that maintains indoor air quality. They are the lifeblood of your system, filtering … Continue reading "Insider Information You Need About Air Duct Maintenance"

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