Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Stucco vs. Vinyl Siding – Which is Best for Your Business?
Small businesses typically have two types of siding for their building – stucco and vinyl. Stucco is an aggregate substance applied smoothly to exterior walls to create a visually appealing and durable exterior, while vinyl is installed in boards to achieve the same purpose. While vinyl siding is more common in residential building because of … Continue reading "Stucco vs. Vinyl Siding – Which is Best for Your Business?"
How to Design a Better Dining Space for your Restaurant
Designing a restaurant from space is a truly exciting endeavor. If you’re a small business owner, you have the opportunity to create a space that reflects your personal taste and the ambiance you want to create for your customers. In some ways, it is an extension of your life and personality, which is why it’s … Continue reading "How to Design a Better Dining Space for your Restaurant"
How to Design a Better Retail Experience for Your Customers
For boutiques and small retailers who don’t have the support of a franchise or corporation, retail design can be a very tricky process. You must capture brand image, proper inventory, and an overall pleasant customer experience within a very small space. The more carefully you craft the customer journey, the better your retail space has … Continue reading "How to Design a Better Retail Experience for Your Customers"
What is “SafetyX” at MaintenX?
MaintenX emphasizes safety above all of our other corporate values, and for good reason. The work we do is often dangerous even for trained professionals, so we believe that safety should always take first priority. This is part of the reason why we employ a self-performing facility maintenance crew. We want our technicians to put … Continue reading "What is “SafetyX” at MaintenX?"

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