Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Innovative Ways To Streamline Your Maintenance Management
Maintenance management is not as simple as one might first believe. While it may seem intuitive, proper management of your maintenance team can be complex. Too much focus on reactive repairs rather than planning for the future can turn your maintenance technicians into experts at putting out fires. If you want to get the most … Continue reading "Innovative Ways To Streamline Your Maintenance Management"
Why More High Schoolers Should Consider Technical School
High schoolers today are more likely than ever to enroll in a university immediately upon graduation. Opportunities and scholarships are readily available for many high school graduates, and student loans have made it possible for those who could not otherwise afford college to receive higher education. While this may seem like a natural next step … Continue reading "Why More High Schoolers Should Consider Technical School"
The 80/20 Rule of Facility Maintenance
If you have ever studied economics or statistics, you may be familiar with the term “Pareto distribution.” This natural phenomenon has been used to describe distributions in social, economic, geographic, and financial models across time. Simply put, the Pareto principle asserts that: Approximately 80% of a resource will be distributed to 20% of the group … Continue reading "The 80/20 Rule of Facility Maintenance"
Do You Encourage Effective Facility Management?
Facility management is a tough yet crucial job that requires some of the highest-level management skills at your company. This position is responsible for both day-to-day operational efficiency, as well as long-term sustainable growth. However, many facility managers live in the “day-to-day” part of their jobs, and in doing so neglect the long-term health of … Continue reading "Do You Encourage Effective Facility Management?"

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