Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Protect And Extend The Life Of Your Commercial Roofing
Do you know how long your commercial roofing is supposed to last? Many facility managers would be surprised to find out that the roof their building has now could last twenty, thirty, or even forty years if well-maintained. For many, their roofing is already falling apart or experiencing leaks during rainy days. If you are … Continue reading "How To Protect And Extend The Life Of Your Commercial Roofing"
How To Tell If You’ve Hired An Experienced Roofer
Commercial roofing jobs are time-intensive, costly, and have plenty of room for error. Without an experienced contractor, a new roofing installation or roofing repair can go awry within a matter of days. This could cost you hundreds of dollars in materials, or could cause maintenance issues later down the line, long after the contractors are … Continue reading "How To Tell If You’ve Hired An Experienced Roofer "
This Is Where Your Roof Leak Is Coming From
Roofing maintenance is an integral part of our strategy at MaintenX. Many structural issues inside commercial buildings start with improperly maintained roofing. We try to avoid these costly problems by scheduling roofing maintenance services with each of our clients. These services help us to ensure that mold growth, leaks, and other roofing-related issues never cause … Continue reading "This Is Where Your Roof Leak Is Coming From "
These Four Factors Will Impact The Life Of Your Roofing
Did you know that commercial roofing can last up to 40 years with the right maintenance and conditions? That’s right, one building can maintain the same roofing for several decades if it is well-suited for the structure, is maintained, and suffers from no several weather events. Many facility managers will be surprised to hear this, … Continue reading "These Four Factors Will Impact The Life Of Your Roofing "

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