Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Better Balance Airflow And Temperature In The Office
Airflow plays a very important part in creating comfort for your building tenants. Most facility managers pay attention to the temperature in order to reduce costs, but sometimes overall temperature can be misleading. Hot and cold spots created by poor airflow can make guests uncomfortable, and cost you greatly in the long run. On the … Continue reading "How To Better Balance Airflow And Temperature In The Office "
Simple Tips To Lower Your Office Energy Bill During The Summer
Summer is the busy season for many businesses. People are traveling and spending more time outdoors, which means more traffic inside your office or storefront. However, no one will want to stay inside your office — neither customers nor employees — if your office space isn’t kept cool. Indoor air quality and temperature play an … Continue reading "Simple Tips To Lower Your Office Energy Bill During The Summer "
This Is Why You’re Losing 25% Of Your Cold Air During The Summer
If you take a hard look at your facility’s budget, you’ll likely realize that the biggest recurring expense is energy use. In Tampa, where MaintenX is headquartered, businesses incur significant energy expenses during the summer when the A/C is working hard. From May until October, the HVAC system will be pushed to the max to … Continue reading "This Is Why You’re Losing 25% Of Your Cold Air During The Summer "
Gear Up For Next Semester With These Campus Maintenance Tasks
Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) hitting the states this spring, most schools have closed until the fall. This has caused turbulence in the school system for students and staff alike, but these challenges have also presented several opportunities. During the extended school closure, teachers and staff can work on enhancing the student experience for … Continue reading "Gear Up For Next Semester With These Campus Maintenance Tasks "

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