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My HVAC System Can’t Keep Up With Florida Heat – Here’s What To Do
MaintenX is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, and it comes as no surprise to the locals that our most requested service in the area is HVAC repair. Many would agree that you’re not really a Floridian unless you’ve had the A/C break down in the middle of July. The excessive heat coupled with intense humidity puts … Continue reading "My HVAC System Can’t Keep Up With Florida Heat – Here’s What To Do "
Late Summer HVAC Maintenance Tips
2022 has seen one of the hottest summers on record, with the Rocky Mountain region and southwest seeing the worst of the heat waves. However, across the U.S. businesses are feeling the heat, and their A/Cs are struggling to keep up. If you haven’t experienced HVAC issues already this summer, you’re likely to by August. … Continue reading "Late Summer HVAC Maintenance Tips"
Using Sustainability As a Selling Point
Environmental sustainability is the biggest trend in marketing today. According to a 2015 Nielson Study, approximately ⅔ of consumers globally are willing to pay more for a product that is marketed as sustainable. In the 15-20 age group for that year (today’s 22 to 27-year-olds), 72% would pay more for products marketed as sustainable. As … Continue reading "Using Sustainability As a Selling Point"
MaintenX’s Priorities for Best-in-Service Facilities Management
MaintenX has been in business for over 40 years, and works with hundreds of clients across the country in order to provide convenient and affordable facility maintenance service. We’ve been able to cultivate a reputation for excellence, not only because of our stellar contractor network but because of the guiding principles that shape the way … Continue reading "MaintenX’s Priorities for Best-in-Service Facilities Management"

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