Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How Maintenance Service Impacts Your Bottom Line
Business models and strategies change every year, but one thing never ceases to be important: your bottom line. Companies plan most of their strategy around optimizing the bottom line, from marketing strategy to operational protocols and everything else in between. Much like your business, your building needs to be analyzed to ensure that it is … Continue reading "How Maintenance Service Impacts Your Bottom Line"
Eight Reasons Why Your Maintenance Costs Are So High
Are you under pressure to cut costs? Whether you’re experiencing a slow season or have pressure coming from upper management, budget-cutting is one of a facility manager’s least favorite tasks. Unfortunately, cost-saving measures typically come from ancillary services, such as your maintenance department. However, have you ever asked why your maintenance costs are so high … Continue reading "Eight Reasons Why Your Maintenance Costs Are So High"
What Preventative Maintenance Can (And Cannot) Do For You
Preventative maintenance is one of the biggest time- and cost-saving measures a facility manager can invest in. However, this service is often overlooked by facility managers trying to cut costs. This approach to maintenance budgeting, while effective in the short-term, will cost your facility dearly when a critical piece of equipment breaks down and renders … Continue reading "What Preventative Maintenance Can (And Cannot) Do For You"
The True Cost of Unreliable Facility Equipment
When you encounter an equipment breakdown, you might not treat it like a big deal. Equipment wears over the years, and while it is a major inconvenience, there is a great likelihood that your problem can be fixed relatively quickly. But, what if we told you that an equipment breakdown is actually a sign of … Continue reading "The True Cost of Unreliable Facility Equipment"

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