Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Reduce Reactive Maintenance Costs
At MaintenX, our customers know that preventative maintenance is a top priority for our staff. We believe that proper care of equipment and systems provides the best solution for our clients as well as our technicians. However, unavoidable accidents and unexpected malfunctions will occur. So, the question remains, how do we keep the expense of … Continue reading "How To Reduce Reactive Maintenance Costs "
Adding Maintenance To Your Strategic Planning
Annual objectives, action steps, SWOT analyses: business and facility managers are well-versed in these areas of strategic planning. The “big picture” ideas are the focus of strategy meetings, though often the details used to fill in the gaps are lacking. However, very few facility leaders consider the consequences of putting key tasks such as staffing … Continue reading "Adding Maintenance To Your Strategic Planning "
The Importance Of Planning Your Maintenance Schedule
Most business managers still view maintenance work as a reactive service. The “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality is pervasive in business culture, and for good reason. Accruing expenses based on predicted problems take away financial resources from other strategies to fuel long-term growth. Maintenance simply upholds the status quo, and therefore logically … Continue reading "The Importance Of Planning Your Maintenance Schedule"
Four Preventative Maintenance Tasks You Should Schedule Before The New Year
To a business owner or facility manager, the New Year means many things. It is a time to set new projections, goals, and budgets for the upcoming year. At MaintenX, the new year means creating new maintenance protocols for clients. We like to review preventative maintenance practices every year to ensure our teams meet their … Continue reading "Four Preventative Maintenance Tasks You Should Schedule Before The New Year"

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