Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Preparing Your Facility For Ice, Snow, And Temperature Drops
As the seasons change, so do the needs of your facility. Snow, sleet, and temperature drops can put your structures under significant stress, especially if you neglect to care for them in the summer and fall months. Preventative maintenance is the first step for keeping your equipment, employees, and structure under safe conditions throughout the … Continue reading "Preparing Your Facility For Ice, Snow, And Temperature Drops"
What To Know About Preventative Roof Maintenance Programs
Facility managers are all too familiar with the importance of preventative maintenance. Regular cleaning and repair services for your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems are likely part of your everyday life. However, there is one area in which many facility managers neglect to invest: their roofing maintenance. Prioritizing your roofing maintenance will save you from … Continue reading "What To Know About Preventative Roof Maintenance Programs"
What To Know Before Scheduling A Caulking Service At Your Facility
Caulking is not an exciting or glamorous expenditure for your facility. It won’t make your building shiny or impressive, but it will make your facility more structurally sound and energy-efficient. Investing in a professional caulking service will significantly reduce energy costs by providing a tight seal around every inch of your facility. Caulking is in … Continue reading "What To Know Before Scheduling A Caulking Service At Your Facility"
Restoration Services For Commercial Buildings
Emergency damages are a facility manager or owner’s worst nightmare. At MaintenX, we have helped dozens of clients sort through natural disasters, major equipment failures, and other maintenance emergencies that caused massive damage to their equipment and workspace. While we work very hard to prevent these situations, not every instance can be avoided. When you’re … Continue reading "Restoration Services For Commercial Buildings"

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