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The 5 Principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is one of many strategies that facilities can use to maximize operational efficiency. RCM strategies focus on maintaining equipment in a way that reduces both downtime and costs. Rather than following a checklist of tasks, RCM offers custom solutions for all equipment to reduce unnecessary maintenance services while predicting and preventing … Continue reading "The 5 Principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance"
When To Schedule Janitorial Services For A 24-Hour Operational Facility
When you’re operating a 24-hour facility like a restaurant, hospital, nursing home facility, or other round-the-clock services, you need to prioritize maintenance over other commercial facilities. Equipment ages faster, and your employees don’t have downtime after closing to catch up on maintenance tasks. You’ve got more on the line, and will likely need a specialized … Continue reading "When To Schedule Janitorial Services For A 24-Hour Operational Facility"
Maintenance Services To Keep Pests Out
Nothing makes a potential customer or tenant’s skin crawl like the sight of pests at your facility. Whether its a roach, rat, termite, or other unsightly critters, these little nuisances can cost you revenue immediately. While pest control services are a necessity, they often cost facilities hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on the severity … Continue reading "Maintenance Services To Keep Pests Out"
Back To School Maintenance For Your Campus
Schools are the backbone of our country, offering great opportunities for the next generation. However, our schools’ infrastructure is often neglected. The American Society of Engineers recently gave U.S. schools a D+ rating in the Infrastructure Report Card in the country. This comprehensive architectural report suggested that 24 percent of public school buildings are in … Continue reading "Back To School Maintenance For Your Campus"

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